Track 1: Ngunnawal Country

Aboriginal rock art

This track takes you on a journey into the Aboriginal story of the nation's capital that goes back at least 20,000 years. In traditional times this area was a meeting place where the Ngunnawal welcomed and hosted groups from the surrounding area to discuss the land, lore and culture. Some of the main tribal groups used the mountains for ceremonial purposes such as initiation, marriage and trading of resources. This is your personal journey into the past, present and future of the Aboriginal history of this region. You are welcomed to this country.

  1. Yarramundi Cultural Centre
  2. Cotter Reserve
  3. Tidbinbilla
  4. Tharwa
  5. Namadgi Visitor Centre
  6. Tuggeranong Homestead
  7. Theodore Grinding Grooves
  8. Mt Ainslie Lookout


This video contains two spellings Ngunnawal and Ngunawal, to respect the personal choice of the Elder depicted in this video.


View the map at ACTmapi and click on the letters marking a site to find a pop up box with some tantalising teasers.