West Macgregor

West Macgregor sign

To see the higher density artefact areas near Ginninderra Creek (below right), continue along Macfarlane Burnet Avenue and turn left into Refshauge Crescent. At the bend you will see the sign next to the bike path.

T6 West Mac 2T6 West Mac 3

How to get there?

From the Cranleigh Homestead site, return to Southern Cross Drive and continue west. Turn right into Macfarlane Burnet Avenue.

Why is this interesting?

This site is included on Track 6 because excavations carried out in 2008, prior to suburban development, unearthed one of the richest and densest Aboriginal artefact sites within the ACT. The greatest number of artefacts was found nearby on the banks of Ginninderra Creek. This is consistent with other findings where the main Aboriginal activity is close to waterways. (See North Forde).

The artefacts found here include flakes, blade cores and waste flakes representing the manufacture of tools. Aboriginal people camped, hunted and collected materials throughout the landscape.